Saturday, 20 August 2011

WheRe DoeS TiMe gO?

I can't believe I haven't posted anything since June ! I had a fair bit of travelling to do for my job and lots of other stuff going on and when I looked up, it was August already !!!
My last trip was to Boston, to my company head office, then on to New York for a day. What a busy 4 days that all was. Boston was lovely, our offices are in Framingham, just outside Boston and I liked it so much am tempted to ask for a transfer, lol. New York was a crazy day and it all went far too quickly. Had most of the day in the office then went on a lightning tour of TJMaxx and Bloomingdales, strange combination I think. I'm back in the US in September for a holiday with my partner and my mum. We're going to Salt Lake City and looking forward to exploring/eating/shopping/relaxing/eating ..... did I mention eating? Lol.
I've been making dolls for Halloween and am hoping to put them onto Etsy before long. Otherwise it'll be the usual story, time will fly and I'll be the idiot with Halloween Annies for sale at Easter ! The bodies are all done and the clothes are ready, along with some various pumpkins I decided to make too. If I ever get my act together then my Etsy shop will have loads of stuff in, yay. Look out for the bats too, heheheh.
Maybe I'd better wish everyone a Happy Christmas, just in case the next few weeks fly by the same as most of this year has.
Jill x


Mary Ann Tate said...

Hello...glad to see you back:) This whole summer has gone by so fast and I haven't done much sewing either. I'm looking forward to seeing your new dolls.

Plushpussycat said...

Good to hear from you! Write when you can--he he! It will be fun to see your Halloween stuff when it's out!

TheCrankyCrow said...

Oh Jill - it's so very good to hear from you!! I've missed you! But, yes, time flies so quickly - It seems I just got your lovely note about the Independence holiday that I so meant to reply to!!! (Rats!) I so hope some day your travels bring you close to Wisconsin - it would be so wonderful to meet you in person...(And you can tell your mum we have Walmarts and JC Penny's and Kohl's and all sorts of stores!! Unfortunately, nothing real high end as you can see!!) Can't wait to see what you've cooked up for my favorite holiday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

Jill D said...

Thank you for your nice comments, it's good to be back, lol. Should have Halloween on air next weekend, if I remember, ha ha x